Thursday, June 30, 2005

Dearly Beloved,

We have gathered here today to pay our last respects to the latest attempt of the Sore Losers to smear our President, George W. Bush.

If you recall, just days before the November 2004 election, Dan Rather and his minions at the C-BS network tried to foist upon the American public "fake but accurate" documents about the Presidents service in the Air National Guard. The documents were proven to be forgeries and the attempt to take down a sitting President backfired.

Recently the so-called "Downing Street Memos" have surfaced, purporting that the President "fixed" the facts to support the Iraq war effort.

It has been a main contention of the President's enemies that he lied about Iraq having weapons of mass destruction(WMD's) to get us into a war.

However, what has been conveniently forgotten is that the belief that Saddam Hussien had WMD's was widely held BEFORE PRESIDENT BUSH TOOK OFFICE IN JANUARY 2001.

A brief look at news articles from provide sufficient proof:

"We must stop Saddam from ever again jeopardizing the stability and security of his neighbors with weapons of mass destruction."- Madeline Albright, Feb 1, 1998

"If Saddam rejects peace and we have to use force, our purpose is clear. We want to seriously diminish the threat posed by Iraq's weapons of mass destruction program." - President Bill Clinton, Feb. 17, 1998

"One way or the other, we are determined to deny Iraq the capacity to develop weapons of mass destruction and the missiles to deliver them. That is our bottom line." - President Clinton, Feb. 4, 1998

So you see, my dear friends, since the belief that Saddam had WMD's goes all the way back to the Clinton Administration, President Bush did not lie, "fix" or fabricate the WMD issue.

So as we say good bye to another dear fabricaton of the Left, let us now with strong resolve push forward to the bright future that is before us, proving to the world the true liberating power of democracy.

Feel free to stop by the casket on your way out.

Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Still Anti-War....and STILL Wrong!

Mark R. Levin wrote an interesting piece at this link:

It demonstrates the Old Media has always been against ANY type of war. If you compare news stories from the WWII era and compare them to today's anti-Iraq war stories, you'll find a lot of parallels.

A Familiar Place
It got ugly in postwar Germany, too.

With all the nay saying about our presence in Iraq, it's worth noting that none of these difficulties are particularly new. No postwar occupation has been without serious challenges, including the occupation of Germany after World War II.

The New York Times ran a series of news stories in late 1945 reporting, in part, the following:

"Germans Reveal Hate of Americans,"
October 31, 1945
The German attitude toward the American occupation forces has swung from apathy and surface friendliness to active dislike. According to a military government official, this is finding expression in the organization of numerous local anti-American organizations throughout the zone and in a rapid increase in the number of attacks on American soldiers. There were more such attacks in the first week of October than in the preceding five months of the occupation, this source declared.
This official views the situation as so serious that he and others are protesting the withdrawal of 1,600 experienced military-government officers form the German governments on township, county and regional levels between Nov. 1 and Dec. 15. "We have been talking since the summer about the trouble that we expect this winter," the source said. "That trouble has now begun and we meet it with a plan to withdraw officers from communities where trouble is already being encountered.

"Loss of Victory in Germany Through U.S. Policy Feared,"
November 18, 1945
Grave concern was expressed today by informed officials that the United States might soon lose the fruits of victory in Germany through the failure to prepare adequately for carrying out its long-term commitments under the Potsdam Declaration. Government failures were attributed in part to public apathy. The predictions of a coming crisis are predicated upon three points:

1) The failure to start training a civilian corps of administrators to take over when the Army's Military Government pulls out of Germany by June 1.

2) The failure of the Government to set up an expert advisory group, such as that which existed in the Foreign Economic Administration's Enemy Branch to back up the American administrators of Germany with informed advice and provide a focal point in Washington for policy-making on the German question.

3) The failure of the Allies to decide together, or the United States for itself, the crucial economic question raised by the Potsdam Declaration; namely what level of German economic activity is desired over the long term?

"Germans Declare Americans Hated,"
December 3, 1945
An exhaustive compilation of opinions of Germans in all walks of life on their reaction to the United States occupation of their country was released this afternoon from the confidential status under which it was submitted to officials of the United States Forces in the European Theatre recently.

Bitter resentment and deep disappointment was voiced over the Americans' first six months of occupation, though there was some praise for the improvements in transportation, health conditions, book publishing and entertainment.

"German Election Set In Towns of U.S. Zone,"
December 19, 1945
United States Seventh Army headquarters announced today that plans had been completed for initial German elections in January at Gemuende. A statement said that a vast majority of Germans remained passive in attitude toward politics and displayed no disposition to take over civic responsibilities.
I think we can agree that the postwar occupation of Germany, and the rest of Europe, worked out quite well, despite numerous difficulties and the best efforts of the New York Times to highlight them — as it does today in postwar Iraq.

Friday, June 24, 2005

The Straight Stick

I recall one of my teachers in Bible college telling me about how to discern truth from error:

"The quickest way to tell if a stick is crooked," he said in his South Texas drawl, "is to lay a straight one down next to it."

Such is what presidential adviser Karl Rove did when he told a gathering of the New York Conservative Party that "Liberals saw the savagery of the 9/11 attacks and wanted to prepare indictments and offer therapy and understanding for our attackers." Conservatives, he said, "saw the savagery of 9/11 and the attacks and prepared for war."

(The AP story can be found at;_ylt=AqAit15SiaFzf32g8TQVRxayFz4D;_ylu=X3oDMTBiMW04NW9mBHNlYwMlJVRPUCUl )

By JIM ABRAMS, Associated Press Writer
Fri Jun 24, 5:06 PM ET

WASHINGTON - A White House official said Friday the administration finds it "somewhat puzzling" that Democrats are demanding presidential adviser Karl Rove's apology or resignation for implying that liberals are soft on terrorism.

"I think Karl was very specific, very accurate, in who he was pointing out," communications director Dan Bartlett said, contending the comments weren't aimed at all Democrats. "It's touched a chord with these Democrats. I'm not sure why."

I wish that I could have seen Bartlett's face when he said that. There HAD to be a sarcastic grin going on.

When I saw that comment, it reminded me of the teacher I mentioned above. The point being that if you want to see who's who on the ideological spectrum, run some truth up the flagpole and see who salutes.

Notice that Rove never used the words "Republican" or "Democrat".

He didn't have to. Once the meat was tossed into the yard, only the ravenous ones showed themselves.

Back to the article:

"It's somewhat puzzling why all these Democrats ... who responded forcefully after 9/11, who voted to support President Bush's pursuit of the war on terror, are now rallying to the defense of, this liberal organization who put out a petition in the days after 9/11 and said that we ought not use military force in responding to 9/11," Bartlett said on NBC's "Today" show. "That is who Karl Rove cited in that speech ... There is no need to apologize."

But Eli Pariser, executive director of the MoveOn political action committee, said the online group didn't oppose U.S. military action in Afghanistan in response to the Sept. 11, 2001, terror attacks.


From this link:

we find a litany of sources from MoveOn.Org opposing an armed response to the 9/11 attacks:

Immediately After 9/11, MoveOn.Org Petition Urged "Moderation And Restraint" And Use Of "International Judicial Institutions."
"We, The Undersigned, Citizens And Residents Of The United States Of America ... Appeal To The President Of The United States, George W. Bush ... And To All Leaders Internationally To Use Moderation And Restraint In Responding To The Recent Terrorist Attacks Against The United States." (MoveOn.Org Website, "MoveOn Peace,"

"We Implore The Powers That Be To Use, Wherever Possible, International Judicial Institutions And International Human Rights Law To Bring To Justice Those Responsible For The Attacks, Rather Than The Instruments Of War, Violence Or Destruction." (MoveOn.Org Website, "MoveOn Peace,"

"(W)e Demand That There Be No Recourse To Nuclear, Chemical Or Biological Weapons, Or Any Weapons Of Indiscriminate Destruction, And Feel That It Is Our Inalienable Human Right To Live In A World Free Of Such Arms." (MoveOn.Org Website, "MoveOn Peace.")

The article also contains quotes from various LIBERAL DEMOCRATS who did exactly what Karl Rove said that they did. You'll find quotes from John Kerry, Joe Biden, Al Sharpton, Barbara Lee, Neil Abercrombie and others.

What's also insulting is that they think we have such a short memory.

New York Governor George Pataki read Sen. Hillary Clinton the riot act on Thursday after she demanded that he condemn comments by White House political advisor Karl Rove.

In an article found at

Pataki said this:
"I think it's a little hypocritical for Sen. Clinton to call on me to repudiate a political figure's comment, when she never asked Sen. Durbin to repudiate his comments,"

"She never responded to Howard Dean's insult to every single Republican, saying that they never earned an honest day's living.

"She never responded to Sen. Reid's unfair criticism of the president - he called the president a loser and a liar. He's never apologized - she never requested that."

"She never called for an apology or clarification when called for moderation and restraint in response to the terrorist attacks."

"So, when she does that, I'll be glad to listen to her call for me to ask someone to apologize."

And the AP story we started with ends with a pot-calls-kettle-black paragraph:

Democrats said Rove, and his Republican allies, were now trying to change the subject when Democrats, and many Americans, are becoming increasingly critical of the course of the war in Iraq. For Rove "to try to exploit 9/11 for political purposes once again just shows you how desperate they are," said House Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi of California, who in recent days has been the target of Republican attacks for saying that the Iraq war was a "grotesque mistake."

Thank you Karl for laying down a Straight Stick.

Thursday, June 23, 2005

7 Months Later....

Finally, after SEVEN MONTHS of accusations, verbal attacks, and hate speech we can do what failed Presidential candidate John Kerry urged us to do:

We can bring the nation together.

Yes, after SEVEN MONTHS of hearing "BUSH STOLE THE ELECTION" and "HEIL BUSH", Democrat party leaders have finally laid down their guns and admitted that there was NO FRAUD in the 2004 Election.

Now, you have to be careful when you read this, because the writer starts off with listing how the system in Ohio broke down.

Were there mistakes in Ohio? Yes.

Was there fraud in Ohio? No.

Buried in the next-to-last paragraph is this interesting fact that debunks all the charges of racism by the Republicans in Ohio:

"census data showed that African American turnout reached record levels last year, increasing by 84,000 from 2000."

So even Democrats agree: BUSH DIDN'T STEAL THE ELECTION.

We now return you to your regularly schedule life.......................

Sunday, June 19, 2005

Down for the Count: Downing St. Memo

On two previous occasions (Monday, June 06, 2005 and Monday, May 30, 2005) I posted articles, with links, that put the lie to the spurious "Downing Street Memos".

My left-wing co-workers have been in a state of euphoria, stating that the memos are "gonna bring down Bush" etc.

(As a brief aside, didn't the pro-death liberals depcit Terry Schiavo's experience as a "state of euphoria" after her feeding tube was removed?)

And now, with a healthy assist from one of the Blogosphere's heavyweights, The Captain's Quarters, here is a posting (again with links) that puts the Downing Street Memo in the grave:

First, a link to the Captain's site:

Now the story:

The media and the Leftists have had a field day with the Downing Street memos that they claim imply that the Bush administration lied about the intelligence on WMD in order to justify the attack on Iraq. Despite the fact that none of the memos actually say that, none of them quote any officials or any documents, and that the text of the memos show that the British government worried about the deployment of WMD by Saddam against Coalition troops, Kuwait and/or Israel, the memo continues to survive.

Until tonight, however, no one questioned the authenticity of the documents provided by the Times of London. That has now changed, as Times reporter Michael Smith admitted that the memos he used are not originals, but retyped copies (via LGF and CQ reader Sapper):

The eight memos — all labeled "secret" or "confidential" — were first obtained by British reporter Michael Smith, who has written about them in The Daily Telegraph and The Sunday Times.

Smith told AP he protected the identity of the source he had obtained the documents from by typing copies of them on plain paper and destroying the originals.

The AP obtained copies of six of the memos (the other two have circulated widely). A senior British official who reviewed the copies said their content appeared authentic. He spoke on condition of anonymity because of the secret nature of the material.

Readers of this site should recall this set of circumstances from last year. The Killian memos at the center of CBS' 60 Minutes Wednesday report on George Bush' National Guard service supposedly went through the same laundry service as the Downing Street Memos.

Bill Burkett, once he'd been outed as the source of the now-disgraced Killian memos, claimed that a woman named Lucy Ramirez provided them to him -- but that he made copies and burned the originals to protect her identity or that of her source.

Why would a reporter do such a thing? While reporters need to protect their sources, at some point stories based on official documents will require authentication -- and as we have seen with the Killian memos, copies make that impossible. The AP gets a "senior British official" to assert that the content "appeared authentic", which only means that the content seems to match what he thinks he knows.

This, in fact, could very well be another case of "fake but accurate", where documents get created after the fact to support preconceived notions about what happened in the past. One fact certainly stands out -- Michael Smith cannot authenticate the copies. And absent that authentication, they lose their value as evidence of anything.

Besides, as the AP report makes clear, the two governments sincerely worried about the deployment of WMD despite the allegations of those who fixate on one sentence of one memo. The latest issue coming from the memos, according to its proponents, is the alleged statement by Blair that WMD programs had not progressed. However, it also points out why 9/11 made all the difference in the approach to Iraq:

The documents confirm Blair was genuinely concerned about Saddam's alleged weapons of mass destruction, but also indicate he was determined to go to war as America's top ally, even though his government thought a pre-emptive attack may be illegal under international law.

"The truth is that what has changed is not the pace of Saddam Hussein's WMD programs, but our tolerance of them post-11 September," said a typed copy of a March 22, 2002 memo obtained Thursday by The Associated Press and written to Foreign Secretary Jack Straw.

"But even the best survey of Iraq's WMD programs will not show much advance in recent years on the nuclear, missile or CW/BW (chemical or biological weapons) fronts: the programs are extremely worrying but have not, as far as we know, been stepped up."

All of the Western nations had intelligence that matched with the Bush/Blair determination that Saddam had not disposed of his WMD stocks. Prior to 9/11, the Western approach of waiting Saddam out appeared adequate. After 9/11, the existence of those WMD stocks clearly was intolerable, given Saddam's involvement with terrorist groups in the past -- including hosting an al-Qaeda convention, of sorts, in 1999.

Even if these memos could be authenticated, they're still meaningless. They could only excite the kind of idiots that would hold mock impeachment hearings with four witnesses and no authority whatsoever.

This story gets nuttier and nuttier.

UPDATE III: Despite what Truck says in the comments, a lack of protest from Downing Street after being asked to authenticate retyped copies of alleged minutes of secret meetings does NOT constitute verification. The same exact argument came up with the Killian memos in Rathergate and the Newsweek Qu'ran-flushing report last month.

In both cases, the documents or sources turned out to be fakes. It's the reporters' job to provide verification, not simply a demurral by officials to opine on their authenticity. If that isn't obvious, then centuries of evidentiary procedure in American and English common law have gone for naught, as well as traditions of journalistic responsibility and professionalism.

After all, this argument just means that reporters can type out anything they like and the burden of proof shifts from the accuser to the accused in proving them false -- hardly the process endorsed in libel and slander cases in the US, at least.

UPDATE IV: The port side of the blogosphere seems a bit unhappy to hear that the DSM are fakes, but I'm not making this up. The reporter himself says that he retyped the memos on an old-style manual typewriter and destroyed either the originals (AP) or working copies from which he worked (Rawstory). In effect, he created mock-ups -- and that means the memos provided by the Times in PDF format are fakes.

John at Power Line says that the memos would make more ridiculous claims if they were fakes. However, there's a difference between fakes and frauds. Giving Smith the full benefit of the doubt and assuming the originals really exist and that he transcribed them perfectly, they're fakes but the information could, indeed, be accurate.

The problem is that we can't authenticate them, and a series of demurrals from Tony Blair and other British officials don't amount to authentication, either. It doesn't help that Smith went to such weird lengths -- such as the manual typewriter and artificially aging the appearance through multiple copying -- to produce the information.

The Killian memos were both fakes and frauds, as even CBS's expert stated in their final report, although laughingly Kevin's commentors continue to argue that they're neither. We know for certain the DSMs are fakes -- and because of that, we can't help but assume the DSMs are fraudulent absent positive authentication.

In the AP story mentioned above, this part was buried down in the 10th paragraph:

"Smith told AP he protected the identity of the source he had obtained the documents from by typing copies of them on plain paper and destroying the originals."

Doing these things against President Bush didn't work before the election, and it's obviously not going to work after it either.

Thursday, June 16, 2005

Couldn"t Have Said it Better

Ralph Peters of the NY Sun wrote an excellent piece on the nonsense that has become "GitmoGate".

The article is so outstanding, I'll post it here and I'll also give you the link.

THE demands to shut down our Guantanamo lock-up for terrorists have nothing to do with human rights. They're about punishing America for our power and success.

From our ailing domestic left to overseas America haters, no one really cares about the fate of Mustapha the Murderer or Ahmed the Assassin. The lies told about Gitmo are meant to undercut U.S. foreign policy and embarrass America.

The Gitmo controversy is about many things, from jealousy of the United States and outrage that we refuse to fail, to residual anger that we won the Cold War and exploded the left's great fantasy of a dictatorship of the intellectuals. But the one thing the protests aren't about is human rights.
Except, of course, as a means to slam the United States.

Torture? Who and when? Koran abuse? I'd rather be a Koran in Gitmo than a Bible in Saudi Arabia. Illegal detentions? Suggest a better way to handle hardcore terrorists. Maltreatment? Spare me. The food the prisoners receive is better than what I had to eat in the Army.

Another thing: Would it be more humane to incarcerate the declared enemies of civilization in northern Alaska, rather than on a Caribbean beach?

Has the Bush administration made mistakes regarding Guantanamo? You bet. The biggest one was attempting to placate the critics. By launching a new investigation every time a terrorist had a toothache, our government played into the hands of its enemies.

The truth is that the terrorists and their defenders have something in common. It's not courage, which is one quality violent fanatics don't lack. It's that neither can be appeased.

Any concession only increases their appetites. The Clinton administration's reluctance to respond to terrorist strikes encouraged al Qaeda. If the Bush administration closed the Guantanamo facility, any alternative holding center would be attacked just as rabidly and dishonestly.

If we put our captives up at the Four Seasons, we'd be condemned because somebody smelled bacon at breakfast.

You can't negotiate with terrorists. And you cannot reason with ideologues — whether they're Islamist fanatics or pathetic old lefties fishing for a cause to give meaning to squandered lives. Terrorists, French and German neo-Stalinists, and our own democracy-hating intelligentsia aren't interested in facts. It's all about the comfort of belief.

Let's get this straight: Nothing we could do would appease those who feel a need for our country to fail. We must stop trying to satisfy them.

There's a military maxim that applies to all the nonsense about Gitmo: Don't let the entire battalion get bogged down by a sniper. By attempting to respond to the wild charges leveled by those who offer no solutions themselves — who have no interest in solutions — we've allowed anti-American basket cases from Harvard Yard to the German parliament to create an issue from nothing.

Oh, and thanks to the "mainstream" media for assuming that our country's always wrong.

There is a culture of torture in the world. Blessedly, America isn't part of it. When a few of our troops make mistakes, they're punished. Given the magnitude of our task and the unprecedented conditions we face, it's remarkable our errors have been so few.

What should enrage every decent citizen is that the real torturers — from Zimbabwe to China, from Syria to North Korea — get a pass from the political left. If terrorists behead defenseless captives on videotape, it's simply an expression of their culture. But if a handful of U.S. troops play an ugly round of Candid Camera, that's a new gulag.

As someone who takes human rights seriously, I'm appalled by the lack of sympathy the left feels toward the victims of any regime other than the Bush administration. Let's shout it to prisoners everywhere: If you're not harmed by an American, your suffering doesn't count.

The left's hypocrisy is immeasurable. The grandchildren of those who defended Stalin are mortified that Saddam Hussein will stand trial. By taking such irresponsible voices seriously, we grant our critics a strength they otherwise lack and simply help them keep their lies alive.

No matter what our country does, we will never please a global intelligentsia outraged that all their theories came to nothing. We can't satisfy al Qaeda, and we can't please those discontented souls who need to blame the United States for their personal inadequacies. It's time we stopped trying.

What should our nation's leaders say about Guantanamo and our treatment of captured terrorists? A lot less.

When comments are unavoidable, try this: "We're human. We make mistakes. We fix those mistakes. And we move on. Nothing will divert us from our mission of defeating terror and keeping our country safe."

Ralph Peters' next book, "New Glory, Expanding America's Global Supremacy," is due out in August.

Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Did You Hear What They Said?

Hello, True Believers!

That's right, it's time for another edition of "Did You Hear What They Said"? Where we actually quote people in the news and show the world who they really are!

And now, without further ado, let's.......get.....busy:

The Framers

"I am well aware of the toil and blood and treasure that it will cost to maintain this Declaration, and support and defend these States. Yet through all the gloom I can see the rays of ravishing light and glory. I can see that the end is worth more than all the means...." --John Adams

Homosexual Agenda

"In the supposed state of nature, all men are equally bound by thelaws of nature, or to speak more properly, the laws of the Creator."--Samuel Adams

"When homosexuality takes on all the aspects of a political movement, it,too, becomes a war, the kind of war in which the first casualty is truth, and the spoils turn out to be our own children. ... In a Washington March for Gay Pride, they chanted, 'We're here. We're queer. And we're coming after your children.' What more do we need to know?" --Charles Socarides,M.D., clinical professor of psychiatry, Albert Einstein College of Medicine


"Abuse at Abu Ghraib prison -- where no one was killed or even hurt -- was given massive attention; Saddam's mass graves precious little. The news media's double standard is clear." --Jack Kelly

"Let's understand what mishandling means. Under the rules the Pentagon later instituted at Guantanamo, proper handling of the Koran means using two hands and wearing gloves when touching it. Which means that if any guard held the Koran with one hand or had neglected to put on gloves, this would be considered mishandling. On the scale of human crimes, where, say, 10 is the killing of 2,973 innocent people in one day and 0 is jaywalking, this ranks as perhaps a 0.01." --Charles Krauthammer

"We feed them now their Islamic food. We give them honey and dates when they break fast at Ramadan. We give them prayer beads, prayer oil, all paid for -- in fact if you did that for American GIs and you did a call to prayer five times a day the ACLU would sue on the basis that we broke into separation between church and state. So my question is -- we even have footprints that are painted at the prison where guards are not to step during prayer time because they will squeak, will make noise and bother the prisoners. How could you possibly improve that treatment for the guys that are Osama bin Laden's bodyguards and the guy who was on his way to kill 5,000 Americans no matter where you put them?"--Congressman Duncan Hunter

"You can't fix in six months what it took 35 years to destroy." --Ibrahim al-Jaafari, Iraq Prime Minister

"If American troops kill a hundred terrorists in battle and lose ten of their own men doing it, the only headline will be: 'Ten More Americans Killed in Iraq Today.' Those in the media who have carped at the military for years, and have repeatedly opposed military spending, are now claiming to be 'honoring' our military by making a big production out of publishing the names of all those killed in Iraq. Will future generations see through this hypocrisy -- and wonder why we did not?" --Thomas Sowell

"This is an enemy that refuses to observe any conventions, treaties or rules of warfare. They lie, cheat and violate agreements. They slice off heads like raw meat. They murder women and children. They fly airplanes into buildings. But we're the bad guys?" --Oliver North

"To be prepared for war, is one of the most effectual means of preserving peace." --George Washington


"When people stop believing in God, they don't believe in nothing -- they believe in anything." --G. K. Chesterton

Did any Muslim clerics apologize for the terrorists who desecrated the Church of the Nativity? Do any of them protest against the persecution of Christians and Jews that goes on every day in many Islamic states? Has Turkey apologized for its genocidal jihad against the Armenian Christians? Do we ever hear Muslim clerics — talking when Westerners aren't around, that is — express the same respect and tolerance for Christianity and Judaism that they demand for Islam? --Bruce Thornton

"No one proposes teaching the Bible as a sacred text or to promote religious faith in public schools. With three kinds of Jews, a dozen varieties of Methodists and countless flavors of Baptists, just for starters, we could never agree on what, exactly, should be taught as doctrine even if that's what we set out to do. But in a less-than-perfect world there can be no harm, and a lot of good, in well-informed surveys of the Bible as literature, showing how the Bible has shaped history, philosophy, the law, art and other subjects, inspiring our earliest settlers, Founding Fathers and presidents unto the modern day." --Suzanne Fields

At this link: you will find an essay containing the following quotes:

"On a personal level, religiosity is merely annoying—like bad taste. This immaturity represents a significant social problem, however, because religious adherents fail to recognize their limitations. So, in the name of their faith, these moral retards are running around pointing fingers and doing real harm to others. One only has to read the newspaper to see the results of their handiwork. They discriminate, exclude and belittle. They make a virtue of closed-mindedness and virulent ignorance. They are an ugly, violent lot."

"Those who believe that they are acting out the divine plan are the most dangerous sort in the contemporary world. Make no mistake."

"Can there be any doubt that humanity would be better off without religion? Everyone who appreciates the good, the true and the beautiful has a duty to challenge this social poison at every opportunity. It is not enough to be irreligious; we must use our critique to expose religion for what it is: sanctimonious nonsense. --Timothy Shortell

He sounds like this guy:
"Christianity is an invention of sick brains. ... The best thing is to let Christianity die a natural death. ... We commence hostilities against the so-called Ten Commandments; the tablets from Sinai are no longer in force." --Adolf Hitler

"If we ever forget that we're one nation under God, then we will be a nation gone under." --Ronald Reagan

Dr. Howard Dean (aka Dr. No)

"Republicans are not very friendly to different kinds of people. ... They all behave the same. They all look the same. It's pretty much a white Christian party." --DNC Chairman Dr. Howard Dean, former governor of Vermont, which, as you may recall, is 96.8 percent white.

"'Democrat National Chairman Howard Dean further burnished his shoot-from-the-lip reputation Thursday' by suggesting that President Bush won re-election because Republicans are lazy, the Chicago Sun-Times reports. ... It's a strange complaint coming from the head of a party whose most recent presidential nominee was a man who married another man's fortune." --James Taranto

"Last week's scandal was Deep Throat. This week's scandal was Dean's throat, and apparently Dean likes the taste of his own foot."--House Speaker Dennis Hastert

"Dean's inflammatory rhetoric makes it clear that Democrats have no vision and would rather pander to the maniacal fringe than talk about the important issues facing our country," --Tracey Schmitt

"'All you need to know about the Democrat Party is we will defend abortion to the death, and the Republicans are mean, nasty people that want to starve old people and poison kids.' That pretty much sums it up. All I can say is the country will continue to be a better place to live if Howard Dean keeps calling us stupid, white, Christian morons who've never held an honest job. It will only ensure that the closest that Democrats get to seats of power is through the Capitol tours." --Duane Patterson

"I was hoping that Governor Dean could make it tonight, but sadly, he's too busy to make it. He's too busy helping us expand the Republican majority."--Senator Bill Frist

The Party of Dr. No

"If the Democrat Party is supposedly so diverse, why is the Democrat Party leadership apparently homogenously white? I mean the Democrat Party looks like an antebellum plantation from 150 years ago. You got the big, white owner and the white family in the big house, and thousands of black workers in the fields. Where's the Democrats' answer to a figure like Condoleezza Rice?" --Mark Steyn

"The great challenge for Democrats is not to be put into a cultural box. ... We live in a fairly conservative country, and progressives have to adjust the way they present their case." --Marshall Wittmann of the centrist Democrat Leadership Conference, admitting it's the Left that's out of the political mainstream

"The Deep Throat incident was about the Watergate break in, when the Republicans broke into the Watergate hotel to see what the Democrats were up to. You see, back in those days the Democrats actually had ideas worth stealing"--Jay Leno

"For Kerry, Gore, and Clinton, even a few conservative outlets are too many. They grew up in the era before cable TV, talk radio, and the Internet -- the age when liberal dominance was unquestioned. Now Democrats have to compete in the marketplace of ideas, and voters don't seem to be buying what they're selling. Is it any wonder so many are grumpy?" --Jeff Jacoby

"When the federal assault-weapons ban expired last September, its fans claimed that gun crimes and police killings would surge. Sarah Brady, one of the nation's leading gun-control advocates, warned, 'Our streets are going to be filled with AK-47s and Uzis.' Well, over eight months have gone by, and the only casualty has been gun-controllers' credibility. Letting the law expire only showed its uselessness." --John Lott, Jr.

"Democrats consistently rely on judges to impose legislation that they can't get through the normal democratic process because majorities don't want it. As a result, our politics and our courts have been deformed. A contempt for majorities keeps growing on the left, and contempt for the courts keeps rising on the right." --John Leo

"The Framers' carefully considered requirement was that each state's senators would be "chosen by the legislature thereof" rather than by direct popular election. Do Democrats, in the purity of their newfound reverence for the Framers, now favor repealing the 17th Amendment?"--George Will

"Political parties that choose the path of obstruction will not gain the trust of the American people. If leaders of the other party have innovative ideas, let's hear them. But if they have no ideas or policies except obstruction, they should step aside and let others lead."--President George W. Bush

"As Republicans, we will always point out where the other party is misguided and mistaken, but we will never embrace their hateful rhetoric. [Democrat leaders hope] their loud talk and angry rhetoric will hide the fact that they have nothing to say and nothing to offer." --RNC Chairman Ken Mehlman

And finally, our multiple choice question, Who said the following:

"So we're going after them, we have to destroy their brand."

A) Stephen Heyer, president and chief operating officer of Coca-Cola
B) Nancy Pelosi, House Minority Leader
C) Tim Penner President of Proctor & Gamble, Canada
D) Don Westfall, Vice President, Promar International

Scroll down for the answer (no Cheating!)
B) Nancy Pelosi, House Minority Leader

Have a great day!

Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Ahnold Gets It Right

California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger is trading on his populist appeal to bypass the State Legislature for initiatives he believes are crucial to reshape California government.

"The governor wants voters to consider ballot measures that would impose a cap on state spending, redraw legislative districts and increase the time it takes teachers to gain tenure."

Surely this is democracy in its purest form. LETTING THE VOTERS DECIDE.

I mean, there's nothing wrong with that, is there?

That's what America is all about, right?

Nobody in their right mind would opposed letting the voters decide issues, would they?

Uh........well.......back to the article:

"Schwarzenegger's move will likely lead to a showdown with teachers, unions and Democrats in a campaign that is expected to be costly and bitter."

So there you have it. The people who are AGAINST LETTING THE VOTERS DECIDE ISSUES are:


Here's where it gets funny:

If you listen to today's prominent Democrats, you would think that Republicans, like Governor AHnold, are the enemies of democracy.

Hillary Clinton, for example has publicly stated the following about Republicans:

"They are turning back the clock; they are tearing down the building blocks of democracy"

(Note to Hillary: Uh, no. Letting the voters decide issues IS THE BUILDING BLOCK OF DEMOCRACY)

And then she actually uttered this gem:

"Too many communities, too many people of color, too many college students are effectively denied an equal right to cast their vote."

(Note to Hillary: The Guv is actually GIVING THE VOTERS A CHANCE TO CAST THEIR VOTE.)

(You can find her quotes at )

Monday, June 13, 2005

The Real Equivalent

Here is a link to a fascinating article about what historical conflict is closer to resembling the Iraq war.

Some excerpts:

"Journalists constantly compare the war in Iraq to the Vietnam War. This may be because Vietnam is the only war with which they are familiar, the study of military history not being foremost on the agenda of most scribes. More likely it's because it suits their ideological purposes to compare Iraq to the only war America has ever lost."

This can be verified by a member of that media, ABC News reporter Terry Moran.

On Hugh Hewitt's radio show, Moran said "There is, Hugh, I agree with you, a deep anti-military bias in the media. One that begins from the premise that the military must be lying, and that American projection of power around the world must be wrong. I think that that is a hangover from Vietnam, and I think it's very dangerous,"

Another excerpt fro the Post-Gazette article:

"Those who have studied military history think a more apt historical parallel is with the battle of Okinawa, which concluded 60 years ago this month."

That popping sound you just heard was thousands of liberals sticking their fingers in their ears......

It Was a "Cease-Fire"?????

At the following link you will find an interesting tid-bit of info:

It mentions that Iraq was believed to be in violation of "the cease-fire treaty it signed when Baghdad lost the 1991 Persian Gulf War. "


You mean that war never came to an end?

Does that also mean that (gasp) when Iraq violated that treaty and the UN Resolutions that followed that (gasp) we were actually justified for going back in there??????????????????????????

Selcetive Memory Syndrome

After enjoying a jolly-good laugh at the Left-wing extremists and their tendancy toward political suicide, I came across an article from Time magazine that was published during the run-up to the Iraq war.

Here's the link:,10987,1002894,00.html

Note the Headline:

Decoding the Headlines About Iraq
Bush's team isn't preparing for war but fighting over whether and how to fight

So, did Time magazine also lie, given what what is in the "Downing Street Memo"?

Or maybe we are seeing another indication of Liberals suffering from Selective Memory Syndrome???

Good News...In Spades!

Here is a link to a story detailing all the GOOD news going on in Iraq:

The article is much to long to post here, but even if you just scroll down the page, you will be amazed at all the good things going on over there.

And that's just in the LAST THREE WEEKS!!!

Wednesday, June 08, 2005

"Glenn Beck on Ice"

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Last night at the Orpheum Theatre (Memphis, TN) my wife and I attended the GlennBeck on Ice program.

If you listen to Beck on the radio, you know that he and his staff are trying to come up with a way to describe the show to people in other cities on the tour.

We were part of the meet-and-greet after the show and Glenn asked us to call in Wednesday to tell listeners how they felt about the show.

If you live in one of the cities on the tour, read my lips: GO SEE THE SHOW!

There are several ways I could describe the show, but the best way would be to use Glenn's own introduction we hear on his radio show, "the fusion of entertainment and enlightenment".

First the show entertains us by allowing us to laugh at ourselves by reminding us to not take ourselves so seriously. (The part about the "fruit cellar" is priceless.)

Second, the show enlightens us by reminding us of the things that we NEED to take seriously. Things such as family and faith. The impression I got at the end of the show was that perhaps one of the best things we can do for our children is to create memories. Memories of doing things together. Memories that help to form our lives. Things that, when added together, show us what is good about the American spirit. The Real America.

Thanks, Glenn.

Monday, June 06, 2005

"Downing St. Memo" Goes Down...Again

The following article by James Robbins finally puts the "Downing St. Memo" to bed.

It's a reminder that we should examine the nature of the evidence, instead of harping on the seriousness of the charges.

June 06, 2005, 8:01 a.m.
Causing a Commotion
“Downing Street Memo” is old news.

It is July 2002. A British report notes that Prime Minister Tony Blair had “decided Britain must back any US assault and had ordered defence planners to begin the preparations for a new war in the Gulf.”

The report claims “President Bush has already made up his mind. This is going to happen. It is a given … What we are waiting for is to be told the details of how and when and where.”

A shocking secret document recently leaked from Whitehall? No, it is the London Observer, in an article published July 21, 2002, p. 2. Two days later nearly identical language would be recorded in the so-called "Downing Street Memo," the minutes of a British cabinet meeting recorded by foreign-policy aide Matthew Rycroft and published “gotcha!” style days before the recent parliamentary election.

The memo raises three issues dear to the hearts of President Bush's critics — the timing of the decision to go to war with Saddam, the WMD rationale, and the use (read: abuse) of intelligence to create the casus belli. One paragraph in the memo conveniently contains all three:

Richard Dearlove, Head of MI-6 reported on his recent talks in Washington. There was a perceptible shift in attitude. Military action was now seen as inevitable. Bush wanted to remove Saddam, through military action, justified by the conjunction of terrorism and WMD. But the intelligence and facts were being fixed around the policy.

This and other excerpts have caused a furor on the American Left. Ralph Nader is calling for impeachment (again), and John Kerry has vowed to bring the matter to the Senate floor.

Of course, the memo simply contains the impressions of an aide
of the impressions of British-cabinet officials
of the impressions of unnamed people they spoke to in the United States about what they thought the president was thinking.

It is sad when hearsay thrice-removed raises this kind of ruckus, especially since a version had been reported three years ago. As smoking guns go, it is not high caliber.

Was the president committed to go to war with Iraq in July 2002?In the summer of 2002 the policy of the United States was that Saddam Hussein should be removed from power. However, that does not mean that the decision to go to war had already been made.

Contingency planning for military operations against Iraq had begun as early as November 2001. This is no secret; the full timeline along with a wealth of details can be found in General Tommy Franks’s memoir American Solider. The plan that became known as OPLAN 1003V began to be put together in earnest in January 2002. The existence of war planning does not in itself prove that the use of force was inevitable. The purpose was to provide the president with the full range of credible alternatives for pursuing U.S. policy vis-à-vis Saddam Hussein’s regime.

Regime change had been U.S. policy since October 31, 1998, when President Clinton signed the Iraq Liberation Act. It was not a state secret. On February 12, 2002, Colin Powell stated that "With respect to Iraq, it has long been, for several years now, a policy of the United States government that regime change would be in the best interests of the region, the best interests of the Iraqi people. And we are looking at a variety of options that would bring that about."

The policy had bipartisan support; in June 2002 Senate Majority Leader Tom Daschle said, "There is broad support for a regime change in Iraq. The question is how do we do it and when do we do it." It was also an international objective.

On April 6, 2002, during a summit in Crawford, Texas, Prime Minister Blair said that regime change in Iraq was the policy of Great Britain, and that failure to act against Saddam was “not an option.” Blair pledged to support military action against Iraq, should that become necessary.

But had the president made up his mind that regime change would necessitate war? British journalist Trevor McDonald sparred with the president at the summit to try to get him to say so, but Bush stuck to his position. "I made up my mind that Saddam needs to go,” he said. "That's about all I'm willing to share with you."

What the president would not share was that other means were already being employed. The Downing Street Memo mentions “spikes of activity,” which probably refers to the program of covert operations begun against Iraq in the spring of 2002. This program was revealed the following June.

Covert action against Iraq was hardly controversial. On June 16, 2002, on ABC’s This Week, House Democratic leader Richard Gephardt said that congressional leaders had been briefed on the secret directive by the White House, and stated that “It is an appropriate action to take. I hope it succeeds in its quest." Senator Joseph Biden, then chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, said on Face the Nation, "If the covert action doesn't work, we better be prepared to move forward with another action, an overt action, and it seems to me that we can't afford to miss."

By the time the Downing Street Memo was written overt action against Iraq was being widely discussed, spurred in part by the July 5, 2002, publication of some of the war plans in the New York Times. (A previous version had been leaked in May by the Los Angeles Times.)

The July 5 article led to rampant speculation about the inevitability of war, especially in Britain, and whomever Dearlove and Foreign Secretary Jack Straw were talking to then may well have been reflecting this mood. Moreover, either Dearlove or Straw, or one of their staff, may well have been the “Whitehall source” for the Observer piece two days before the cabinet meeting in question. Either that or they read it in the paper and repeated it at the meeting.

My question: Had they ever spoken to the president to get his views first-person?

Why use WMDs as a rationale for war?

In the July 25, 2002, memo, Foreign Secretary Straw is said to have said,
We should work up a plan for an ultimatum to Saddam to allow back in the UN weapons inspectors. This would also help with the legal justification for the use of force. The Attorney-General [Lord Goldsmith] said that the desire for regime change was not a legal base for military action.

There were three possible legal bases: self-defence, humanitarian intervention, or UNSC authorisation. The first and second could not be the base in this case. Relying on UNSCR 1205 of three years ago would be difficult. The situation might of course change. The Prime Minister said that it would make a big difference politically and legally if Saddam refused to allow in the UN inspectors. Regime change and WMD were linked in the sense that it was the regime that was producing the WMD.

The WMDs justification for regime change was of course not new. On November 26, 2001, President Bush was asked what would happen if Saddam Hussein did not allow U.N. weapons inspectors back into Iraq. “He’ll find out,” he replied.

The president had grown concerned with a scenario that came to be known in policy circles as the “nexus,” a potential relationship between rogue states, nuclear weapons, and terrorists acting as delivery systems. The president was referring to this in his January 29, 2002, State of the Union address when he said, “The United States of America will not permit the world's most dangerous regimes to threaten us with the world's most destructive weapons.”

That the WMD issue was viewed as diplomatically useful, i.e., the easiest way to invoke international law, is not a surprise. Former Deputy Defense Secretary Wolfowitz stated as much in his May 9-10, 2003, interview with Sam Tannenhaus of Vanity Fair (see also NRO analysis here).

The WMD approach worked exactly as intended. The Downing Street Memo is a very good analytical piece, and demonstrates a sound understanding of Saddam’s emotional state and probable future moves. The cabinet discusses presenting Saddam with an ultimatum to let the U.N. inspectors back in, knowing that this would either settle the question, or lead to recalcitrance and defiance on Saddam’s part, creating circumstances justifying intervention. As a strategic analysis, it is spot on, and it formed the road map for the eventual lead-up to war.

Of course Saddam could have simply cooperated with the U.N. and denied the Coalition any pretext for intervening; was it the Coalition’s fault that he reverted to type and disregarded the U.N. resolution?

Unfortunately, so much emphasis was placed on the WMD rationale that the failure to turn up the expected weapons brought the entire regime-change effort into question. However, there were other ways the U.N. might have been engaged. The mismanagement and barefaced corruption of the “Oil for Food” program could have been leveraged for this same purpose.

Was the WMD Intelligence Faked?

Dearlove’s comments include the intriguing passage noted above, “Bush wanted to remove Saddam, through military action, justified by the conjunction of terrorism and WMD. But the intelligence and facts were being fixed around the policy.” To the president’s critics, the meaning is clear — the WMD intelligence was being faked to support the rationale for intervention.

This passage needs some clarification. Maybe Rycroft or Dearlove could elaborate; by “fixed around” did they mean that intelligence was being falsified or that intelligence and information were being gathered to support the policy? There is nothing wrong with the latter — it is the purpose of the intelligence community to provide the information decision-makers need, and the marshal their resources accordingly.

But if Dearlove meant the former, he should be called upon to substantiate his charge. It can be weighed against the exhaustive investigation by the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence on prewar intelligence assessments in Iraq. The committee examined this very question, whether the White House had pressured the intelligence community to reach predetermined conclusions supporting the case for war.

The investigation found no evidence that “administration officials attempted to coerce, influence or pressure analysts to change their judgments related to Iraq's weapons of mass destruction capabilities” or that “the Vice President's visits to the Central Intelligence Agency were attempts to pressure analysts, were perceived as intended to pressure analysts by those who participated in the briefings on Iraq's weapons of mass destruction programs, or did pressure analysts to change their assessments.”

One would think that the Senate investigation would have somewhat more weight than the secondhand impressions of a foreign intelligence officer, but if Mr. Dearlove is able to elaborate, one hopes he will.

The memo itself notes that the British assumed that Saddam had limited WMD capabilities — and the September 24, 2002, British white paper on the topic spelled out exactly what Whitehall believed to be the facts. Surely, this was not the result of pressure from the vice president or any other American officials.

I think the fact that the Downing Street Memo had once been classified has a lot to do with its current notoriety. People might suppose that a “secret” document must ipso facto be important. But not always, and not in equal measure. The section of the memo dealing with strategic planning, yes, that was worth keeping close hold on. But the speculations about the inner workings of the American government?

Sounds like the same things one could have heard on any newscast. Looking at the document in context it is hard to see what the commotion is about. Most of what might be thought sensational has already been written about elsewhere, to little fanfare.

The charge of intelligence fraud (if it is such a charge) has already been investigated and found baseless. And the allegations that the president had already decided to go to war and was thus deceiving the American people are personal opinions based on unsubstantiated impressions from unnamed sources.

You want a smoking gun? Check out the real thing. Makes the Downing Street Memo look rather anemic.

Saturday, June 04, 2005

If It's Not There, How Can It Be Missing?

From the LA Times:

U.N.: Weapons Equipment Missing in Iraq
By EDITH M. LEDERER, Associated Press Writer
June 3 2005, 5:37 AM PDT
UNITED NATIONS -- U.N. satellite imagery experts have determined that material that could be used to make biological or chemical weapons and banned long-range missiles has been removed from 109 sites in Iraq, U.N. weapons inspectors said in a report obtained Thursday.

The link is,1,5084698.story?coll=sns-ap-world-headlines

The story continues:

In the report to the U.N. Security Council, acting chief weapons inspector Demetrius Perricos said he's reached no conclusions about who removed the items or where they went. He said it could have been moved elsewhere in Iraq, sold as scrap, melted down or purchased.

He said the missing material can be used for legitimate purposes. "However, they can also be utilized for prohibited purposes if in a good state of repair."

He said imagery analysts have identified 109 sites that have been emptied of equipment to varying degrees, up from 90 reported in March. The report also provided much more detail about the percentage of items no longer at the places where U.N. inspectors monitored them.

From the imagery analysis, Perricos said analysts at the U.N. Monitoring, Verification and Inspection Commission which he heads have concluded that biological sites were less damaged than chemical and missile sites.

The commission, known as UNMOVIC, previously reported the discovery of some equipment and material from the sites in scrapyards in Jordan and the Dutch port of Rotterdam. Perricos said analysts found, for example, that 53 of the 98 vessels that could be used for a wide range of chemical reactions had disappeared.

"Due to its characteristics, this equipment can be used for the production of both commercial chemicals and chemical warfare agents," he said.


I thought that "Bush lied about Iraq having WMDs"?????

But here is a report FROM THE UNITED NATIONS stating that Iraq had biological, chemical and missile sites and that materials at these sites are "no longer at the places where U.N. inspectors monitored them."

If Bush lied about Iraq having WMDs, then how can these sites and materials have ever been there?

And if they were never there, HOW CAN THEY NOW BE MISSING?

Excuse Me, Would You PLEASE Break the Law??

This is equal parts funny and outrageous:

A guy named Geov Parrish at wrote an article called (are you ready?) "Waiting for a Scandal".

Here's an excerpt:

"Vietnam era dissident Daniel Ellsberg has been touring the country for the past year, urging federal officials within earshot to do as he did with the Pentagon Papers, to do as Deep Throat did with the Watergate cover-up, and to leak to the press what they know of the Bush Administration's misdeeds."

Let me get this straight : He's actually pleading with Federal officials to break the law?

In their mis-guided zeal and hatred of President Bush, liberals are willing to do anything necessary (including breaking the law) to take down a sitting President.

Well, if they are successful, they go from the frying pan into the fire, so to speak. Dick Cheney would succeed Bush.

"Well, Robb, then they'd go after Cheney."

Not so fast. Cheney could insulate himself from that by nominating a new Vice-President that the liberals would NEVER want in office.

John Ashcroft. :) (giggle)

If It's Good Enough for Them.....

The West Virginia legislature (which has a majority of Democrats)has a new plan to invest $5.5 billion of pension money for state employees in stocks and bonds.

HEY! Isn't that supposed to be "a risky scheme"???

Of course, they're promising returns of 7.5 percent or better annually for 30 years.

But wait! President Bush already thought of that.

I wonder if West Virginia Democrat senators Robert Byrd and Jay Rockefeller have the cajones to stand against this "outrageous idea".

If its good enough for West Virginia state employees, then why isn't it good enough for the nation's Social Security system????????

You Weren't "Born That Way"

There was rampant speculation a decade ago about a "homosexual gene". That theory has been repeatedly rejected by both the scientific community and national homosexual advocacy organizations.

For example:

Truly, homosexuality is gender-disorientation pathology.

Not only is it a pathology, it has morphed into a political agenda.

Indeed, as Charles Socarides,M.D., clinical professor of psychiatry, Albert Einstein College of Medicine states:
"When homosexuality takes on all the aspects of a political movement, it,too, becomes a war, the kind of war in which the first casualty is truth,and the spoils turn out to be our own children. ... In a Washington March for Gay Pride, they chanted, 'We're here. We're queer. And we're coming after your children.'
What more do we need to know?"

You can read his paper in-full at

And lest I get nasty e-mails calling me an intolerant, right-wing, religious zealot hate-monger, consider that from a Judeo-Christian perspective, it should be noted that objective truth does not constitute law without grace. In fact, law in the absence of grace is meaningless -- little more than oppression.

However, grace in the absence of law is, likewise, meaningless -- little more than licentiousness. Law and grace are, in fact, different sides of the same coin.

It is no small irony that the most outspoken advocates for the homosexual agenda are equally outspoken about environmental issues --preservation of the natural order. Even the most humanist of these advocates must acknowledge the obvious -- that homosexuality is a clear and undeniable violation of the laws of nature.

As Samuel Adams once said, "In the supposed state of nature, all men are equally bound by the laws of nature, or to speak more properly, the laws of the Creator."

Thursday, June 02, 2005

Howard Dean Lied, Unborn Babies Died!!!

Democratic Party chairman Howard Dean claimed abortions were skyrocketing under the Bush Administration.

He told NBC News' Meet the Press host Tim Russert, "You know that abortions have gone up 25 percent since George Bush was President ?"

Russert did not challenge Dean on the claim.

First, the link:

And here's the story:

Planned Parenthood Study: Abortions Down Under President Bush
by Steven Ertelt Editor
May 31, 2005

Washington, DC ( -- Just days before the 2004 presidential election, a researcher claimed abortions have increased during President Bush's first term. However a more comprehensive review from a Planned Parenthood research team finds the reverse is true.

The original allegations of a higher abortion rate came from an op-ed conducted by researcher Harold Stassen who reviewed data from 16 states, some of which he never named in his article.

Stassen sometimes used old figures and even used the birth rate instead of the abortion rate in one state to reach his conclusions.

A new study by the Alan Guttmacher Institute, the research arm of Planned Parenthood, looks at figures from 43 states and finds that abortions have actually decreased since President Bush took office.

AGI's study found abortions decreased nationwide – by 0.8% in 2001 and by another 0.8% in 2002.

The abortion rate, the number of women having abortions relative to the population as a whole, also decreased 1% in 2001 and 0.9% in 2002.

AGI officials say the states Stassen picked in his study were likely ones with higher historic abortion rates and the kind of socioeconomic groups that are more likely to have abortions.

Taking a closer look at some of the states, Stassen claimed abortions in Colorado and “skyrocketed 111 percent," but AGI officials say that statistic is an aberration because state officials only recently began using new methods to account for historic underreporting.

The same phenomenon occurred in Arizona, where Stassen claimed abortions had gone up significantly. Instead, the rise was due to more accurate numbers.

Following the AGI report, Stassen admitted he can't substantiate his original claims.

He sent a memo on May 25 to, an investigative web site, saying the AGI study was "significantly better" than his own.

"I based my estimates in October on the sixteen states whose data I could find then. Now, seven months later, and with their extensive data-gathering ability, AGI (Alan Guttmacher Institute) bases their results on 44 states," Stassen wrote.

"They say their results are only estimates, projections, but I believe their results are significantly better than what I could have obtained seven months ago," he said.

The Stassen op-ed, though rebutted by pro-life advocates days after its release, prompted numerous politicians to claim abortions had increased under President Bush.

As recently as May 24, new Democratic Party chairman Howard Dean claimed abortions were skyrocketing.

He told NBC News' Meet the Press host Tim Russert, "You know that abortions have gone up 25 percent since George Bush was President ?"

Russert did not challenge Dean on the claim.

"We asked the Democratic National Committee repeatedly where Dean got his 25 percent figure, but we got no response," FactCheck officials reported.

Howard Dean, representing the Democratic Party, is willing to go ON NATIONAL TELEVISION with information that CANNOT BE SUBSTANTIATED!!!!!!


What ever it takes to make President Bush look bad, regardless of whether or not it is true, the DNC is willing to do it.

Howard Dean lied, unborn babies died.

Wednesday, June 01, 2005

"Downing Street Memo": My Rebuttal

The caption to this picture should be: "We STILL can't find anything against Bush that will ACTUALLY STICK!"

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Linda Tripp: Real American Hero?

Yes, I think Pat Buchanon is a bit of an extreme Right Winger, but on this issue, he has a point.

Here's the link:

Here's an excerpt:

"The only reason Mark Felt is a hero now [is because he helped] destroy was Richard Milhous Nixon," Buchanan told WABC Radio's John Gambling.

But when it came to President Clinton, he noted, reporters suddenly developed a distaste for whistleblowers.

"I mean, did they make Linda Tripp a hero?" the former Nixon speechwriter asked plaintively. "At least she was public about it."

So, if blowing the whistle on a sitting US President is the standard, why isn't Ms. Tripp among the Great American Pantheon?????