Did You Hear What They Said?
Welcome back, True Believers!
It's time for another edition of:
Remember, it's not hate-speech...THEY ACTUALLY SAID IT!
"If you want to understand the Left, the best place to start is with an understanding of hysteria. Leading leftists either use hysteria as a political tactic or are actually hysterics. Take almost any subject the Left discusses and you will find hysteria... America neglects its poor, beats up its gays, oppresses its women, fouls its environment, ignores its children's educations, denies blacks their votes, and invades other countries for corporate profits: These are common accusations of the Left. No event is free of leftist hysteria. On the third day after Katrina, civil rights activist Randall Robinson reported that blacks in New Orleans were resorting to cannibalism. Indeed, most of the news media coverage bordered on the hysterical. Not to mention the hysterical predictions of 10,000-plus dead in New Orleans... [T]he irony in all of this is that the Left sees itself as the side that thinks intellectually and non-emotionally. And that is hysterical." —Dennis Prager
"Given the abysmal failure of state and local officials in Louisiana to plan adequately for or respond to the effects of Hurricane Katrina on the city of New Orleans, and given the long history of public corruption in Louisiana, I hope the House will refrain from directly appropriating any funds from the public treasury to either the state of Louisiana or the city of New Orleans. The head of the FBI in New Orleans just this past year described the state's public corruption as 'epidemic, endemic and entrenched.' Over the last 30 years, a long list of Louisiana politicians have been convicted of crimes; the list includes a governor, an attorney general, an elections commissioner, an agriculture commissioner, three successive insurance commissioners, a congressman, a federal judge, a State Senate president, six other state legislators, and a host of appointed officials, local sheriffs, city councilmen and parish police jurors. I am not confident that Louisiana officials can be trusted to administer federal relief aid." —Rep. Tom Tancredo
"There [is] no point-person for the Democrats who can help Democratic supporters easily understand their agenda. Part of that is there is no point-person. Another part of that is there is no agenda. Until the Democrats can clearly define an alternative future under their control, the only future they will continue to face is: Republicans in power." —Rich Galen
"The solution to poverty...doesn't lie in a collective movement. It lies in the will and discipline of individual people who dedicate themselves to living moral lives, striving to improve their circumstances, and providing greater opportunities for their children." —Mark Goldblatt
"Poor blacks do not need to be 'mobilized' to turn even more responsibility for their lives over to others. They need to go to school and take care of their families."--Star Parker
"Study after study shows that alterations in norms and values are at the heart of economic and behavioral troubles. That's why so much research boils down to the old rule: If you want to avoid poverty, finish high school, don't have kids in your teens, and get married." —John Leo
"When government tries to be all things to all people, it fails at the essentials." —Former House Budget Committee Chairman John Kasich
"It is well to remember that an indictment is not a conviction. An indictment is a tool the government and its representatives too often use to intimidate and persecute citizens against whom it may have a grudge." —Lyn Nofziger
"It's interesting to think that many of those who are gleeful over the unproven charges against DeLay have spent the past few years arguing strenuously that it would be better if Saddam Hussein were still in power." —James Taranto
"It is my belief that there are 'absolutes' in our Bill of Rights, and that they were put there on purpose by men who knew what the words meant and meant their prohibitions to be 'absolutes'." —Justice Hugo L. Black
"And it proves, in the last place, that liberty can have nothingto fear from the judiciary alone, but would have everything tofear from its union with either of the other departments."
-- Alexander Hamilton (Federalist No. 78, 1788)
"Some 41 of 107 Justices and nine of 17 Chief Justices never previously sat on a court and some of them, like Chief Justices John Marshall, Robert Brooke Taney (for most of his decisions), Salmon P. Chase, Charles Evans Hughes and William H. Rehnquist, have been topnotch. Thus, a lack of judicial experience is not automatically a disqualifier."--E. Ralph Hostetter
"We may be tossed upon an ocean where we can see no land—nor, perhaps, the sun or stars. But there is a chart and a compass for us to study, to consult, and to obey. That chart is the Constitution." —Daniel Webster
"Any philosophy that does not confine judges to the original understanding inevitably makes the Constitution the plaything of willful judges." —Robert Bork
"The basis of our political systems is the right of the people to make and to alter their Constitutions of Government. But the Constitution,which at any time exists, 'till changed by an explicit and authentic act of the whole People is sacredly obligatory upon all." --George Washington
"Would it not be better to simplify the system of taxation ratherthan to spread it over such a variety of subjects and pass throughso many new hands."
-- Thomas Jefferson (letter to James Madison, 1784)
"The income tax is not an example of a good idea gone bad. It was bad from the beginning, and it just keeps getting worse." —Chris Edwards
"[T]he flames kindled on the 4 of July 1776, have spread overtoo much of the globe to be extinguished by the feeble enginesof despotism; on the contrary, they will consume these enginesand all who work them."
-- Thomas Jefferson (letter to John Adams, 12 September 1821)
"Allowing Americans to vote has never led to créches being torn down across America. It's never led to prayer being purged from every public school in the nation. It's never led to gay marriage. It's never led to returning slaves who had escaped to free states to their slavemasters. And it's never led to 30 million dead babies. We've gone from a representative democracy to a monarchy, and the most appalling thing is—even conservatives just hope like the dickens the next king is a good one." —Ann Coulter
"But Bush, for good or ill, believes in himself as the real Third Way deal: It's a remarkable achievement to get damned day in and day out as the new Hitler when 90 percent of the time you're Tony Blair with a ranch."--MARK STEYN
"Iraq is a great American success story. You know, free Iraq... it's done. Free Afghanistan... it's done. Democrats have been driving around with free Tibet stickers for fifty years, and it's no nearer than it was when they stuck them on their 1962 Volvos."—Mark Steyn
"No where in the scripture has God ever assured anyone, baptized or not, of a carefree, no conflict existence... When (not if) the trials come, we can be certain that they will reveal our courage, call, commitment and convictions... Regardless of how disheartening the difficulties can be, they should not send us into a tailspin. Rather, they should bring out the best in the believer. They can, if played correctly, bring us back to the biblical basics of faith, hope and love." —Doug Giles
"With Jamie Gorelick working from the 'inside' and Sandy Berger on the 'outside,' the 9-11 commission was capably prevented from identifying the culpability of the Clinton White House in leaving America vulnerable to attack. More than four years after leaving office, the Clinton political machine continues to seriously endanger the interests of the nation. Yet Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats remain steadfastly unaware of any 'culture of corruption' here. And America has only begun to pay the price." —Christopher Adamo
"We're going to take things away from you on behalf of the common good." - Hillary Clinton 6/28/04
Who said the following about Hillary Clinton?
"I think she is a political animal who believes she has to be a war hawk to keep up with the big boys."
A) Rush Limbaugh
B) Tom DeLay
C) Cindy Sheehan
D) Helen Thomas
Scroll down for the answer (no cheating!)
C) Cindy Sheehan
Have a Great Day!